Sinking series

Do you want to convert your bike to a single-speed? We have everything you need if you want to transform a 7-9 speed bike into a single-speed. 

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Sinking series

Single-Speed Conversion Kit – Simple and Durable Drivetrain

The purpose of the single-speed conversion kit is to transform a bicycle's multi-gear drivetrain into a single-speed system. This is particularly useful if you want to simplify the bike's mechanics, reduce maintenance needs, or use the bike for city riding, road cycling, or light off-road conditions where constant gear shifting is not needed.

Benefits of the Single-Speed Kit:

  • Simplicity: Eliminates the derailleurs and complex parts, making the bike easier to maintain and lighter.
  • Durability: Fewer moving parts mean less wear and fewer breakages.
  • Customizability: The kit includes components like a chainring, spacers, and a lockring, allowing for fine-tuning of the chainline and optimal gearing choice.
  • Style: A single-speed bike has a minimalist and sleek appearance.

Single-speed conversion kits are particularly popular in city bikes where a simple and reliable solution without extra gears is needed. They are also ideal for DIY enthusiasts who want to convert their old bike to a single-speed model.