Derailleur hangers

Derailleur hanger for your bike can be found here. With nearly 300 different hangers available, we recommend using the Marwi hanger finder to locate the hanger for your specific bike.

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Derailleur hangers

Derailleur Hanger – Protection and Stability for Your Bike's Gear System

The derailleur hanger is an essential component of the bike's gear system as it protects the rear derailleur from impacts and bumps, preventing damage to the bike frame. It attaches to the frame and keeps the rear derailleur aligned for accurate and smooth gear operation.

Our selection includes 300 different derailleur hangers suitable for various bike models. Use the Marwi Hanger Tool to find the right hanger for your bike!

Features of the Derailleur Hanger:

  • Protects the derailleur and frame: Prevents damage to the rear derailleur from bumps.
  • Ensures gear accuracy: Keeps the derailleur aligned, ensuring precise gear shifts.

Choose the right hanger for your bike's derailleur to ensure smooth gear changes and the longevity of your gear system!